Grade 6 - Social Studies Interactive Notebook

Sixth Grade Social Studies covers the world's ancient civilizations. We use Story of the World audio book, but it is easy to use the text instead. I encourage my kids to follow along in the book as they listen to the audio to maximize retention. I do prefer the audio to the text, though, if you're choosing. The audio version allows students to hear the correct pronunciation of names and places that will be new to them.

Materials needed for a complete year of Language Arts:

  • Story of the World Volume 1 audiobook
  • Story of the World Activity Book
  • Kids Discover magazines: World's Early People; Ancient Egypt; Mummies; Pyramids; Archaeologyl Ancient China; China's Empires; Roman Empire; Greece's Golden Age; Ancient Greece
  • Adventures in Ancient Egypt
  • The People Could Fly
Sample from our notebook:

I write sixth grade curriculum plans with independence in mind. This means that the plans are written to the student. They should be able to complete all of their work with little guidance from their parent/teacher.

Find the full year of Social Studies HERE.

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