What is an Interactive Notebook?

Interactive Notebooks are, simply put, a way of organizing learning. Instead of the traditional method of storing completed notes and worksheets in binders, all work is done in a spiral-bound notebook.

The interactive part of the notebooks comes in with adding flaps, wheels, and other methods of getting students to process their work in ways apart from the usual.

So, why notebooks?

Reference: The notebooks all start with a table of contents that students fill out as they complete their work. This allows for easy reference later. A student that studied nouns at the beginning of the year, might need a reminder when they are studying subject and predicate later. Being able to reference back to one's own work on a subject makes for information that is easy to understand and retain.

Organization: No more misplaced papers! All work is bound in to the notebook, so it can't get lost. The layout of the notebooks reinforces lessons in organization as well.

Showcase: A completed notebook is a neat, well-organized showcase of a student's work in that subject for a whole year. They are compact and easy to store. We enjoy looking over our previous year's notebooks!

Pride: There is something about having your work all bound together and in front of you every day that really encourages you to do your best work. Students tend to take pride in their notebooks and work neatly in them.

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